Monday, January 4, 2010

The Gathering of Friends Volume 2 Cookbook Giveaway

Happy New Year!

As promised, we would like to introduce you to the second volume of
The Gathering Of Friends Cookbook

by Michelle Huxtable

Like the first book, I immediatly fell in love with this enchanting cookbook. It is a beautiful book, full of stunning pictures and brimming with promising recipes.

Not only is it a delight to look at, but it will be a great help with my New Years resolution to plan my weekly meals in advance.

It has 5 weeks of planned dinners, including weekly shopping lists to make it easy for you!
Then on top of that it contains 5 additional chapters of recipes, including Effortless Dishes, Savory Beginnings, Wholesome Soups, Garden Fresh Salads, and Enchanting Desserts. This volume has 3 times the recipes of volume one. I think you would all love it!

Once again we would love to give two of you a copy of your own.

Just leave us a comment sharing one of your New Years Resolutions this year.

The winners will be chosen using on Friday January 8 (once my children are off to school!)

Good luck and Happy New Year to you, our wonderful readers!
For a sampling of the recipes go here


  1. Oh I'm the first one to comment on a giveaway post! That's a first! One of my new year's resolutions is to cook breakfast for my children on at least one school day each week, instead of always feeding them cereal. Thanks for doing this!

  2. One of my resolutions is to track (record) everything I eat to encourage healthy food choices.

    The cookbook looks beautiful!!

  3. One of my new Year Resolutions is to make some of my current winning recipes more healthy. I want to keep my body healthy and still be able to eat tasty food so I am going to try tailoring my recipes so that they still taste awesome but are lower fat with more vegetables in them

  4. I am going to try to be more patient. it seemed towards the end of last year that my nerves were shot and well I didn't have a lot of patience.
    msgb245 at gmail dot com

  5. My resolution is to cook more homemade meals, and try more of the millions of recipes I have printed out but haven't tried yet.

  6. I'm trying to get less cluttered in my life, only surrounding myself with useful things, people and information. Beautiful cookbook, would love to see all the new recipes.

  7. I love cookbooks! This one sounds like a good one...anything to help me out with dinners and planning is wonderful!

  8. One of my goals is to help my family eat healthier.

  9. i'm working on eating more salads and less bread!

  10. one of my resolutions is to cook at home more, planning ahead so it is easier to come home and cook instead of grabbing dinner on the way home.

  11. My New Year's resolution is to actually get pregnant this year.

  12. My New Year's Resolution is to blog more (I gave up last April!) and start my own business!!!! It's a big challenge but I'm up for it :)

  13. I am going to try to be better at planning my meals. I usually only plan for a couple of days, but I would love to have them planned for at least a week. -Liz K.

  14. My resolution for 2010 is to be more organized. I have to many stacks of just stuff and I hate them. I love to cook and would love a new recipe book too.

  15. One of my resolutions is to focus on being positive. It's so easy to complain about things in life, and I just don't want to go down that path.

  16. My resolution is to give more of myself to others!

  17. One of mine is to read the entire Bible in a year. I've sadly never made it all the way through.

  18. I am resolving a couple develop a closer relationship with Christ and to drop the 10 lbs that crept on in 2009!

  19. I am committed to being more fit and healthy. Exercise 5 days a week and cutting back on the sugar!

  20. Laugh if you must, but I will just say this. With three weeks to go in this pregnancy, my new years resolution is purely this- to have a baby. I may rethink the whole resolution thing after he is born, but for now... yeah- I just wanna HAVE HIM already!

  21. Wow, what an awesome giveaway! I would love this book! One of my new year's resolutions is to read more books and create more (whether it's crafts, sewing, or food) Yay!

  22. This year I am going to attempt grocery shopping on a budget...... cooking meals with items on sale, etc.

  23. My resolution is to have more fun adventures with my kids.

  24. This cookbook looks amazing. One of my goals is to not STRESS about being on time everywhere. I am an on-time freak and I need to take it down a notch or two.

  25. I love to cook!!! So for New Years I am wanting to have my family try new things and cook every night for my growing boys:)

  26. One of my resolutions is to be more organized with my time.

  27. One of my resolutions is to be more patient with my kids.

  28. One of my resolutions this year is to decluter. It seems it is so easy to just acummulate things that are so unnecessary. I also want to be more service oriented.

  29. One of mine is to eat healthier. I need to detox after the holidays.

    I saw this cookbook in a little boutique last week and was debating if I should purchase it. I told myself I would wait until my birthday in a few weeks, but I would love to win a copy instead.

  30. With your help my new years resolution is to plan weekly menus and go to the store once!

  31. John and Jada McFarlaneJanuary 5, 2010 at 2:03 AM

    My new year's resolution is to cook dinner for my family at least 4 times a week! I hope that I can do this, because I think it will make great memories for my children when they are married and are trying to raise their own family. I love to cook and try new recipes, so I am sure I will be checking your blog often through out the year! I hope I get one of those cook books!

  32. Oh I would love this!
    We will be moving into a new home this year so this will be perfect for all the entertaining I'm hoping to do!
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  33. One of my resolutions is to be more patient w/ my family.

  34. How New Year's Resolution is to plan a week's worth of meals in advance so there is no more "It's 5:00 and I have no idea what to have for dinner and even if I did have an idea I would not be able to prepare it because I'm missing at least 2 key indgredients!"

  35. New year resolutions - I hate to make them!!! I think about what needs to be done through out the year, but I really hate to say it out loud!!! Call me crazy! If I have to - I would say to finish projects around our house that we've been in for 5 years - ridiculous!!!

  36. I want to be a more grateful person. Show appreciation to others, say thank you. Send more thank you, thinking of you and birthday cards.

  37. This year I want to keep learning new recipes. I'm not the most motivated cook, but I'm trying to learn.

  38. Good luck to everyone! I hope I win. I have been dying to learn how to cook. AndI guess I need to start with a cookbook. lol.

  39. What a lovely looking cookbook! My goal is to procrastinate less in every area of my life!

  40. One of my new year's resolutions is to be more consistent about cooking healthy dinners.

  41. My resolution is to feed my family nourishing and healthy meals at least 5 times per week. That means no precooked, prepackaged meals. I would love this book.

  42. One of my resolutions is to start baking whole wheat bread for my family. As a family we are going to focus on healthier living.

  43. This book looks awesome! One of my resolutions is to get up early each day so I can have some time to prepare and regroup before the kids get up.

  44. A Year on the GrillJanuary 5, 2010 at 2:24 AM

    It sounds silly, but i resolved to stop wasting bread... i buy a loaf a week, and toss 2/3rds of it every week. Time to use it up, freeze it or not buy it. I am a steward only of the earth

  45. oh i need this. i never know what to cook

  46. One of my new years resolutions is to learn how to use coupons to save my money. This book would be a great help in organizing meals.

  47. Will and Alycia IrishJanuary 5, 2010 at 2:28 AM

    One of my resolutions is to be more grateful!! =)

  48. One of my resolutions is to make better dinners!! I have GOT to branch out from my basic 5-6 recipes!!

  49. loose the baby weight

  50. We are reading the Book of Mormon together as a family in one year. Thank you for the giveaway. This book looks fantastic!

  51. Spend more time creating meaning memories with my loved ones.

  52. Thanks for the give-away! One of my new years resolutions is to try to be more in the Lord's word each day!

  53. Try to enjoy each day, live it to the fullest, and not be depressed that I turned __ years old on Dec. 31st!!! So sad!

  54. Keeping track of my family and friends birthdays and sending them a card. It always makes me feel loved when someone remembers my birthday, and I want my friends and family to know that they are loved by me! :)

  55. My New Year's resolutions is to get more organized and try out a few new recipes I have been hoarding!

  56. I resolve to turn out my light by 11:30!

  57. What an awesome giveaway! My resolution is to be more patient, enabling me to be a better wife and mother!

  58. I would like to be more kind to myself and those around me. I am certain that would happen if I got this cook book! :) Food is love at my house and I would love to share that gift with my family and friends!

  59. My resolution is pretty simple so I think I can do it for a year. I am going to read for a half hour every day. So far, so good!


  60. My resolution is pretty simple so I think I can do it for a year. I am going to read for a half hour every day. So far, so good!


  61. I am going to speak sweeter, in tone, volume and words.

  62. I know this is cliche, but my resolution is to lose 10-15 pounds by the end of March. I just had a baby a couple of months ago, and the weight needs to come off! Thanks for doing this. :)

  63. One of my resolutions is to give my husband a "day-o-fun" where he can go off and enjoy guy time without any griping from me. I plan to do this atleast monthly. :)
    Please pick me, I've wanted this cookbook forever!!

  64. i would lovvve this book! i love to cook and am so inspired by this blog, we eat one of your recipies at least once a week.

  65. One of my goals this year is to eat more fruits and vegetables and exercise 5 to 6 times a week.

  66. What a great looking cookbook. One of my resolutions this year is to be more organized.

  67. One of my resolutions is to try a new recipe once every two we can get out of the rut of the same old recipes. This would be perfect to help me reach my goal! :)

  68. My resolution is to get my home more organized this year and to spend more time preparing our meals so that they are healthier for us.

  69. One of my resolutions is to Have Family Home Evening EVERY monday with my family.

  70. One of my resolutions is to finish a scrapbook for my two year old before the next baby is born in 3 months.

  71. One of my goals for this year is to finish a project before I take on another, especially with my crafting (problem is I start the new year with about 5 different projects I'm trying to finish!)

  72. That recipe book sounds fantastic! I used to be a runner and one of my new year's resolutions is to get back into it. I'm expecting my second baby any day now and plan to get on a running routine after that. Thanks for the chance to enter this giveaway!!

  73. I usually dont do resolutions I just dont like to do it. I however do try to do a lot of stuff though out the year, this year one of my goals (which I guess could be kinda like a resolution) is to be a better wife and mother.

  74. My resolution is to be more organized. Life is so much easier if I'm organized :)

  75. My resolutions this year are remodeling, organizing, and of course getting back into shape after baby #3... (a constant battle!)

  76. I am going to try and cook healthier home made meals for my family this year and less "quick" fatty foods!

  77. I'm going to cherish my family more and worry about 'stuff' less.

    I'm also going to be better about reading my scriptures!

  78. I'm going to be more patient with my 3 year old!

  79. one of mine is to get back into shape after having my twins.

  80. Organize and clean out my garage - and do more fun activities with my kids.

  81. This year we are hoping to remove processed foods from our diet.

  82. One of my New Year's resolutions is to really savor the moments in my life, especially the days with my young children. Before I know it they will be off to school and I don't want to get bogged down in the task to the extent that I don't see the beauty in each day with them.

  83. I didn't really make any new years resolutions this year - my goal is to always find the best in whatever life is throwing my way! :)

    I would love to win a copy of this cookbook - if I don't, I might go out and purchase one! Meal planning has helped our family tremendously in the past...I need to get back going, the holiday's really detoured me!

  84. Less complaining and more enjoying. Also more gratitude.

  85. I want to get a better job this year with more pay.

  86. Oooh, I would LOVE this book! One of my goals is to be up before my little one so I can start my day in God's word.

  87. One of my resolutions this year is to cook more and eat out less, saving us money and calories.

    Thanks for the opportunity to win this beautiful cookbook. I will keep my fingers crossed.

  88. What a great cookbook. My New Years goal is to cook more in the kitchen and plan out a weekly menu. This book will help me a lot.

  89. Awesome book, I would love it! One of my New Year's Resolution this year is to truly Embrace my family & life as much as possible

  90. Well, it's more of a goal than a resolution--but to eat healthier and make better choices--not so many desserts and sweets! Not easy for chocoholics. Thanks for the opportunity to win a great book. CJ

  91. the book is beautiful. Pls enter me into the drawing.

    My # 1 resolution is to use up what I have this year before buying new..


  92. I plan to learn how to cook the things I am scared of cooking. ie...using sourdough starter, pie crust, and all those things that just look to hard...and of course lose weight and exercise. :)

  93. My new year's resolution is to learn to cook fancier and dress up the table a bit more (table cloths, runners, center piece). I just bought my first bottle of cooking red wine. I made Julia Child's saute beef steaks. Mmmm

  94. My resolution is to exercise every morning.


  95. Looks like a great cookbook! One of my resolutions is to find more simple (but healthy) meals for week nights. By the way I made your 30 minute rolls this weekend and I'd like to THANK you so much for that recipe. I'm not good at rolls, and most roll recipes take a lot of work & time, so for them not to turn out is so discouraging. This is my go to recipe for rolls now, thanks!

  96. Trying to plan meals better. I love this cookbook idea.

  97. I want to read my scriptures more and be a better, more patient mommy to my 4 (almost 5) kiddos.

  98. My new year's resolution is to win more give-aways! Yay! Ready... Go!

  99. I want to be more joyful.

    amberflenniken AT yahoo DOT com

  100. My New Years Resolution is to be the best mom to my new baby that I can be.

  101. My only New Year's goal is to spend an hour every day pampering myself. I find that I am better for everyone in my life when I take care of myself first.

  102. My resolution is to learn how to be a better gluten-free cook and baker for my husband who was recently diagnosed with celiac disease!

  103. Awesome giveaway!! One of my goals for the new year is to take better care of myself. I find that I get so busy taking care of everyone else's needs, that at the end of the day, there is no time (or energy) to take care of my own.

  104. Be more patient with my kiddos!

  105. One of my goals is to exercise at least 3 times a week and to get back to eating healthier, whole foods and less sweets. Ah, holiday foods!

  106. We made some family resolutions last night, but as for personal ones I am trying to play more with my kids!

  107. More planned meals for my family. Looks like a wonderful cookbook!

  108. One of my resolutions for this year is to start a blog of my family recipes so my daughters out West can have access to them, then at the end of the year I want to make a book for them. I just need some advice and guidance to get it kicked off. Any you have to offer would be appreciated. Thanks!

  109. I'm 5 months pregnant so my resolution this year is to learn to balance. Balance being a wife, a mom, hobbies and interests. Wish me luck!

  110. Of course lose weight but more importantly, change the thought process to a more healthy, balanced and natural lifestyle.

  111. My new years resolution is to take more time to enjoy the little moments with my kids!

  112. My resolution is to plan my meals a week in advance- this cookbook looks great.

  113. I want to be a better person this year and reach out to someone in need. Also, I plan to be more aware of how I speak to my family. More patient. :)

  114. My resolution is to relax and enjoy my kids more instead of getting so caught up in everything I need to get done each day.

  115. One of my New Year's resolutions is to smile more, especially with my kids. I don't want their only memory of me to be a stressed out, anxiety-filled mother. There is a fun-loving person in there somewhere:).

  116. My new years resolution is to not leave dishes in the sink...a bad habbit I know, and it really drives me crazy because it makes my kitchen never feel clean...but not this year! NO DISHES IN THE SINK!

  117. My resolution is to be happy with who I am and what I am and not make any resolutions for change. (Let's see how that goes!)

  118. Eat, and help my family eat, more nutritious foods!

  119. One of my resolutions for the year is to plan ahead, and actually write things down. So on the day of, I don't have 5 things going on, 3 of which are at the same time! I sure hope I win.

  120. More fruits and vegetables and less stress!

  121. Awesome!

    One of my goals is to do more spiritual studying. I hope to keep to it!

  122. I don't usually make "resolutions" but I am going to try harder to exercise more frequently. It's too easy to put it off!

  123. My new years resolution has nothing to do with getting thinner. I am pregnant and that seems hopeless a the time. So, not so much to DO anything, but the FELL differently. Spiritually/attitude, compassion, service. . . all those things that I need so much help with!!! P.S. PICK ME! :)

  124. Holly and Ken GroverJanuary 5, 2010 at 6:42 AM

    We just talked about this last night as a family & came up with 3 family goals for the year! But one thing I personally am going to do is SMILE & LAUGH more:) Can't wait to check out the book!

  125. my res is to become a better conversationalist

  126. One of my resolutions is to come up with 15 meals that are yummy and made of things that are almost all storable (I don't do pwdrd eggs, cheese and such, I'd still use fresh!) I wondered if you had any suggestions?! What do you do?

  127. One of my personal resolutions is to wake up earlier so that our mornings can go smoother. I've done good so far and this morning I even had time to add exercising into my routine!

  128. One of my New Year's Resolutions is to only use hormone and antibiotic free milk and eggs. They are easier to get than I thought! WOO HOO!

  129. One of my goals this year is to be more organized and not feel overwhelmed. I need to just take one day at a time and stop looking at the BIG picture down the road. If I just take one step at a bite at a day at a time......I become more organized, less overwhelmed and much happier. : D

  130. I want to spend more time doing stuff with my kids and less time with them watching tv.

  131. Amazing cookbook idea. Menuing is something I always try to do but now with employment waning and the economy beeing tight this is now a priority!

  132. This cookbook sounds like it could simplify my life! One of my resolutions is to declutter my home and attempt to get organized...and KEEP it that way! :)

  133. Besides the obvious and usual resolution of losing some weight, I'm going to try to kick my diet coke habit this year and more importantly, try to make my kids laugh good and hard at least once a day!

  134. One of my new year's goals is to make more freezer meals. I began doing this in the fall and it has been so helpful for my family...would love to fill our freezer. I have participated in several freezer/ baking days and really gotten a lot done.

  135. I'd love to win this! One of my resolutions is to get this house organized!

  136. One of my New Year's resolutions is to make more time for my family. To establish a plan of attack for FHE and to just find "Joy in the Journey."- President Monson

  137. One goal - be slower to speak.

  138. One of my New Year's Goal is to work on gratitude. There are so many gifts in each day....even the difficult days there are gifts that can be found. It is worth the effort of refocusing on the good.

  139. I want to cook healthier!!! Which is really hard because I HATE healthy recipes! I love my real butter and heavy cream. And I bake dessert at least once a week!

  140. Pick me, pick me! One of my goals for this year is to use coupons regularly.

  141. My New Years' Resolution is to be more patient!! I am a toe-tapping, teeth grinding, hurry-it-up gal. I would like to keep some of that but try to slow down occasionally and jsut breathe!!!

  142. One of my goals for the new year is to raise my voice less with my kids...I wish I could be more easy-going like my sweet hubby!

  143. I am going to memorize Scripture on a schedule!

  144. My goal this year is to complete a 10k, as this last year I ran my first 5k! I love you guys!!!!!!

  145. One of my (many) New Year's Resolutions is to find joy every day. :o)

  146. Lose weight--so what else is new? And since I'm continually browsing great recipe blogs like this one and I really want to win this beautiful cookbook that resolution just never seems to happen!

  147. Tell and show my children that I love them more often!

  148. Be a better example to my kids

  149. One of my new year's resolutions is to create my own cookbook, combining all my favorites in one place for me. It will of course contain some great ones I got off of Sister's Cafe!!!

    Happy New Year to all of you :)

  150. I want to get more organized in my house!

  151. My goal is to be more healthy in all aspects of life.

  152. My redolution is to cook something in my dutch oven every day of 2010. I really need a new challenge (as if having 7 kids isn't challenging enough) and outdoor cooking is it. So check it out at!

  153. This book looks amazing! My resolutions are to be more patient and be more kind.

  154. One of my resolutions is to remember birthdays and make them special for the people I love. I am really terrible at that right now.

  155. ONe of my resolutions is to be better at recycling. paper, plastic, aluminum, and everything else that can be re-used.

  156. My New Year's Resolution is to run a 10K before the year is up.

  157. New Years Resolution is to be a better "me" wise, spiritual wise, mom wise, etc.

  158. One of resolutions is to have more patience with my children and not let frustration take over.

  159. Try a new recipe once a week! This would really help!

  160. I missed putting my name on the last entry so will add it now. Linda

  161. I'm going to use my candy thermometer at least 3 times this year!

  162. I plan to entertain at least once a month. This beautiful book would sure help me achieve my goal!

    Thanks for all your fabulous recipes and delish-looking pix. I really enjoy your blog.

  163. Yea! I love you guys! I check your blog weekly for recipes and they are always so good and easy to make! One of my resolutions is to budget my meals better and have a plan for the whole week rather than just a few days. I tend to just buy things at the store when I don't have it all planned out ahead!

    Thanks sisters! You are the best

  164. Early to bed, early to rise. I definitely want to be healthy, wealthy and wise! :)

  165. I'd like to loose the last 15 lbs to reach my goal.


  166. Drink more water and eat healthly meals are two of my New Year's resolutions!

  167. Make more homemade bread! :)

  168. One of my New Year's resolutions is to get more organized... that includes my overstuffed closets!!

  169. Just one??? :) My main resolution is to be happier, everyday no matter what! And to find the good things everyday that I have to be grateful for.

  170. I want to plan our meals better so that I go to the grocery less often-maybe twice a week rather than the current 4 or 5!

  171. Drink more water and less Diet Pepsi!

  172. I have resolved to put more effort into cooking healthy for my husband AND stress/encourage portion control - I want to help him be around for a lot longer!

  173. One of my New years resolutions is to lose some weight but it may be hard cause I'm gonna wanna make lots of new recipes from the cookbook I'm gonna win :)

  174. My husband and I have resolved to run a 10K race in May. I've never run a race and really don't enjoy running that much, but am excited to push myself towards that goal! Thanks for your blog! It's great!

  175. I resolve to be more organized letting go of excess. Also to read from the scriptures daily.

  176. spend an hour doing something one on one with each of my kids each week.

  177. I'm going to keep a food diary, listing all the foods I eat each day. Hopefully, I will learn to eat better and lose a few pounds too!

  178. I want to plan more structured activities for my pre-schooler this year. We need some good one-on-one time. Some of that will definitely include time in the kitchen!

  179. My resolution is to take more pictures of my family. I have a sister-in-law who is a photographer and since she always takes amazing photos at family occasions, I just give up, knowing that her pics will be so much better than mine. I now realize that it's not about occasions, it's everyday. Happy New Year!

  180. Try and not judge others. We never know other people's circumstances,they may be have a rough day or just need some extra TLC.

  181. look for more ways I can be of service to others and reach out.

  182. I have a few goals, one is to run a full marathon and the other is to read more. Simple ones I guess, but to have better recipe ideas sure sounds like a great one to me also!!! hahaha Thanks for all you sisters do, you sure make my life better.

  183. One of my new year's resolutions is to loose all of my baby weight from my baby girl.

  184. One of my resolutions is to try an be more patient with my daughter. She is a very high spirited toddler, which a great curiosity that often gets her in trouble, LOL.

  185. To do something creative daily.

  186. Which New Year's Resolution? SO many to choose of mine is the same as yours - to get my menus prepared for the week. This also falls in the same realm as another one - lose that baby weight once and for all - which also falls in line with yet another - eat healthier. I could go on and on here.

  187. My new year resolution is to find a miracle everyday this year. I started a week before Christmas and it has been amazing for me to see the hand of God in my life. I record them every night with the hopes of making it into a book for my family at the end of the year.

  188. One of my resolutions is to start riding my bicycle instead of driving my car for short errands.

  189. My new year resolution is to call to one friend/family member a week that I don't talk to on a regular basis.

  190. One of my resolutions is to plan my meals ahead of time and stick to a strict grocery budget!

  191. One of my New Year's resolutions is to get back to blogging and taking more pictures of my family and things we do together. Making small memorable moments and traditions.

  192. my goal is to buy less stuff this year - so winning (rather than buying) a new cookbook would be very helpful!

  193. I am doing meal planning this year.

  194. one of my resolutions is to stay on top of our family picture albums, actually print them for a change and put them in albums.

  195. Organizing my entire home and keeping it organized!

  196. I will work less and cook more.

  197. Read the scrips with the hubby...gotta do it! :)
