Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Oatmeal Maple Pecan Scones

Mmmm... I loved these scones.  The oatmeal was such a great addition.  I had never had oatmeal in scones before, but when I looked it up on wikipedia I found that scones were originally made with oatmeal. So there you go... authentic! :)  Well, whether they are authentic or not, this recipe is definitely one that I will be making again and again.  I used real maple syrup, so the scones weren't too sweet.  It was perfect with the sweet glaze.  However, I think they would still be really good with breakfast maple syrup - just sweeter.  Hope you enjoy!

PS Don't get overwhelmed by the length of the directions.  These scones really  are not hard, the directions are just a little wordy but informative!

Oatmeal Maple Pecan Scones
Submitted by Mindy ~ The Sisters Cafe

1 1/2 cups steal cut Irish Oatmeal (I just used regular oatmeal)
1/2 cup coarsely chopped pecans
1/4 cup whole milk
1/4 cup heavy cream
1/4 cup maple syrup (I used real maple syrup, but breakfast syrup would be good, too... just sweeter)
1 large egg
1 1/2 cups flour
2 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
10 Tablespoons unsalted butter, cold, cut into 1/4 inch cubes
1-2 teaspoons cinnamon

3 Tablespoons maple syrup
1/2 cup confectioner's sugar

Adjust oven rack to the middle position and heat the oven to 375 degrees.  Spread the oats and pecans evenly on a baking sheet and toast them until they are fragrant and lightly browned -- about 7-9 minutes; cool on a wire rack.  Increase the oven temperature to 450 degrees.  Line a second baking sheet with parchment paper.  When the oats and pecans are cool, measure out 2 tablespoons (for dusting the work surface) and set aside.

Whisk the milk, cream, maple syrup and egg in a large measuring cup until incorporated; remove one tablespoon to a small bowl and reserve for glazing.

Place the flour, baking powder and salt in the work bowl of a food processor fitted with the metal blade and process until combined, about four 1-second pulses.  Scatter the cold butter evenly over the dry ingredients and process until the mixture resembles coarse cornmeal, twelve to fourteen 1-second pulses. (You could also do this by hand with a pastry cutter or two knives).

Transfer the mixture to a medium bowl; stir in the cooled oats and pecans.  Using a rubber spatula, fold in the liquid ingredients until large clumps form.  Using your hands, gently knead the mixture in the bowl until the dough forms a cohesive mass.  Do not over-handle.

Dust work surface with half of the reserved oats, turn the dough out onto the work surface, and dust the top with remaining oats.  Gently pat the dough into a 7-inch circle about 1-inch thick.

Using a long sharp knife, cut the dough into 8 wedges and set out on parchment-lined (or silpat lined) baking sheet, spacing them about 2 inches apart.  Brush the surfaces with the reserved milk and egg mixture, then sprinkle scones with cinnamon.

Bake until golden brown, 12-14 minutes; cool scones on the baking sheet on a wire rack for 5 minutes, then remove scone to a wire rack and cool to room temperature, about 20 minutes.

When the scones are cool, whisk 3 tablespoons maple syrup and 1/2 cup confectioner's sugar in a small bowl until combined; drizzle the glaze over the scones.


Recipe source:


  1. This looks wayyyyy too complicated...

  2. Dear Loie Family,

    I actually thought of shortening the directions because I agree that the length is overwhelming. But honestly, if you read through them, the directions are just very informative. These scones are NOT hard or really very complicated. You could take out the whole food processor part and just cut the butter in by hand, which would definitely make the directions appear shorter. I just left that part in because I thought some people might like to know how to do it with their food processor.

    Anyway, I hope people are not overwhelmed by the length of the directions. Because these scones really are fabulous. I made them from start to finish (Including baking time and doing the dishes) in less than an hour while getting both my kids ready for a party. :)

    Hope this helps!


  3. I see what you mean about the directions in the recipe. It's just really thorough! And God help me, I would rather have every single detail instead of wondering what in the world the author is talking about! I think these might have to accompany our breakfast for dinner menu tonight! YUM!

  4. mmmm, looks so delicious! my mouth is watering hah :)

  5. I've never attempted scones before, so I better have thorough directions. And I will use the food processor. Good to know I can use my regular oatmeal and still be (somewhat) authentic! Thanks for sharing!

  6. These were absolutely delicious!
