Friday, December 3, 2010

Bread Bowls

A steaming breadbowl, fresh out of the oven, is the perfect way to serve a warm creamy soup!  This bread bowl recipe is from a friend of mine, Jessica Crapo. It makes 8 delicious bread bowls. Since we have four in our family (not counting baby), I usually freeze half of them and defrost them for a later dinner.
Hope you enjoy!

Homemade Bread Bowls
submitted by Erin  ~  The Sisters Cafe
Printable recipe here

2 ½ c. warm water
2 T yeast
2 T sugar
1 T salt
1 T shortening
7 c. flour

Allow yeast and sugar to proof in warm water. Add remaining ingredients, but only 6 cups of flour. Pulse to mix.  Knead on speed 1 and add the remaining 1 cup of flour as needed.   The dough should not be sticky and should feel satiny when done.   (About 5 minutes.)
Place dough in a greased bowl with greased plastic wrap on top. Rise in oven with light on until double, about one hour.
Punch down and knead to make handling easier. Divide into 8 equal parts. Shape the dough into tall cylinder shapes rather than perfect balls, because they round out naturally.  Place on greased cookie sheets, four to a sheet, and cover with greased plastic wrap. Let rise until doubled and bake at 375° for 20 minutes.  (Optional: brush with egg wash before baking.)

Makes 8 bowls.  Preparation time: ~ 3 hours


  1. Blog is the New BlackDecember 4, 2010 at 1:16 AM

    My bf would love me to serve him his dinner in an edible bowl! Thanks for sharing. :)

  2. Yum, Erin! That looks like the perfect meal for a cold day. I wonder if I could muster up enough gumption to make it... Everything feels like such a huge effort with my big tummy right now! :) I remember u posting that u made something when u were pregnant with Eliza and u thought it was so hard. Then u made it again when u weren't prego and were pleasantly surprise that it wasn't that bad. I totally know what u mean now! :)

  3. Have always wanted a good bread bowl recipe, thanks for sharing!

  4. I didn't know you can make these! I always thought they were store bought. Thanks for posting the recipe as I will be making these soon :)

  5. I can't wait to try this with teh clam chowder recipe. Thanks!

  6. Oh my, homemade soup in a homemade bread bowl. It doesn't get any tastier than that. By the way, I'm holding a giveaway on my blog for Orglamix Organic makeup and you're welcome to come by and enter.

  7. holy crap I feel like a celebrity having a recipe on this blog!!!!!

  8. [...] Oh, one more tip – It is also fabulous served in a bread bowl. You can find a recipe for bread bowls here. (Something I like to do: When I bake breadbowls for my small family we don’t eat all of [...]
