Thursday, October 30, 2014

Skele-Cat Veggie Tray

My parents give one killer of a Halloween party every year, complete with the best and spookiest food! This year I was assigned a vegetable side...  and I came across this darling skeleton cat. Every body loved it and ate it right up! The bean dip is very healthy and tasty too but honestly not a favorite with the kids, I'm sure ranch would have been preferred... but then I wouldn't have had the "black" cat look! Sometimes you gotta make sacrifices. ;)


Arrange cat skeleton using whatever veggies you like (sliced peppers or green beans make great ribs!)

*I would have made the tail curve up and around more if I had more room. Also I would have made the legs a little longer and had more carrot "claws" on each paw.

Skele-Cat Veggie Tray - Black Bean Dip


  • 1 can black beans

  • 1/4 cup salsa

  • 3-4 Tb lime juice

  • 1 clove garlic, minced

  • 1/4 cup cilantro


  1. Mix together in food processor.



  1. That was the cutest Hallowe'en cat ever! The kids ate all their veggies, too.

  2. I don't know why, but that made me giggle right out loud. I'm going to have to try this for my animal loving children. They will love it!

  3. I don't know why, but that made me giggle right out loud! I'm going to have to try this for my animal loving children. They will love it!
