Sunday, April 17, 2011

Chicken Cordon Bleu, a Winner and another Giveaway

**First off the Winner of The Gathering of Friends Volume 1 is: YUMMY MUMMY who said: I would host a Mom's Dinner Gathering! I love my friends and I think they are Lovely Moms! It would be a way for me to showcase my cooking and it would give them a nice night out - a break! My hope is it would turn into a monthly gathering rotating homes! All Moms need a Girls Night Out! Here's to Moms, cooking and gatherings! :)

Sounds like a great idea! Please email me at and we will get the volume 1 out to you!!

For this week we have The Gathering of Friends Volume 2 to Giveaway! This volume, while just as beautiful and inspiring as the others, is set up a little different. Here is the description: The Gathering of Friends Volume Two, was created to cultivate the idea of “food as a love language,” empowering the reader with simple ideas to enhance mealtime. Five weeks of creative menu planning complete with shopping lists. Additional chapters feature effortless dishes, savory appetizers, garden fresh salads, hearty soups from the kitchen, and enchanting desserts: make this cookbook a splendid addition to every home.

I found this volume to be so helpful in making family dinners a lot easier! I am a HUGE believer in the importance of Family Dinner (You can read This week I would like to share one of our favorite recipes from Volume 2...

Chicken Cordon Bleu. I most recently made these when we had guests join us for dinner. It was a perfect main dish---so delicious and beautiful too! My favorite part was the wonderful cream cheese sauce it bakes in. Yum!! I also loved that the dish could be prepared ahead of time and go straight into the oven from the fridge. If you do that just be sure to plan an extra 15-20 minutes of baking time. You will love this recipe--it is delicious!!

Chicken Cordon Bleu
Submitted by Melanie ~ The Sisters Cafe
From the Gathering of Friends vol 2

3 whole chicken breasts, bonesless, skinless

1 lb thinly sliced ham

16oz swiss cheese (I used 8oz sliced package-just cut the slices in half)

8oz cream cheese (I used low fat)

2 1/2 cup hot water (I used chicken broth instead)

3 Tbsp granulated chicken bouillon (if using broth omit this)

1/2 cup white cooking wine

1/2 tsp salt

1/2 tsp pepper

1/2 cup butter ( I cut this down by a couple tablespoons)

3 cups seasoned dry bread crumbs


Preheat oven to 350. Slice each chicken breast in half, cutting down the middle. Divide each half cutting through diagonally from side to side into three very thin pieces. Between two sheets of wax paper (or inside one gallon sized ziploc bag) tenderize the pieces on both sides using a meat mallet. Cut the swiss cheese into 1/2" x 2" cubes. Lay the chicken flat, place a slice of ham on the chicken and a cheese cube. Roll up chicken with ham and cheese, pierce with a toothpick through the middle to hold its shape. Place each chicken roll side by side in a 9 x 13" pan. If there is excess cheese, cut into cubes and place in the pan between the rolls of chicken. Sprinkle salt and pepper over the chicken. In blender combine cream cheese, water, bouillon and cooking wine, puree. Pour the sauce over the chicken rolls. Toss bread crumbs in melted butter and spread over chicken and sauce Cover with aluminum foil. Bake for 45-55 minutes. Makes 18 cordon Blue Rolls.


  1. ooooh that looks yummy! I think I'll try it I would love a cookbook like that! I need something to help make mealtimes easier and some new recipes that might get the kids to east something other than mac & cheese!

  2. Happy Cottage QuilterApril 18, 2011 at 1:20 AM

    To be truthful I need all the help I can get!! I am not a great cook, even though I really enjoy cooking. But I need recipes to follow. It doesn't help that my family members are a little bit picky. Thanks for offering this volume.

  3. Amanda@TheHomemadeKitchenApril 18, 2011 at 1:21 AM

    This looks so delicious. I just might have to go to the store so I can make it tonight:)

  4. This looks delicious. Just found your blog and am a new follower!
    - Jessica @

  5. I have just been getting into cooking over the last several months. I have always enjoyed it but I am just now finding it to be a bit of a passion. I love cooking new meals for my family and I love the time we have to sit together. The problem is I am still a little bit new and slow at this and I am finding that it is taking alot longer to get good meals put together. I have a 6 month old and 3 year old and feel like it is taking alot of time from them and I've been feeling really guilty about it. It would be nice to have some help with simplifying meal/meal preparation time so we could still have amazing meal time together but my children don't miss out on so much "mommy" time.

  6. This book would help me get out of the same old food that I serve often and try some new things!

  7. I would use that as my older kids are 10,9 and 6 and so at a transitional phase..I would love to be able to create a wonderful dinner time to transition for their teenage years!

  8. This looks good! This book would help me get a few new ideas for our dinner time routine!

  9. Oh goodness, I'm goad I popped into your blog. Everything looks delicious and pretty easy too! My dad's favorite cake was German Chocolate too!!! I haven't had the real frosting in, well, I don't know how long. I'm going to make one of these for Easter!!! PS: I've added myself as your newest follower so I can keep up with your wonderful blog! Happy Spring Ya'll from Houston, TX!

  10. This book looks amazing! I love to cook for my little family, and every now and then I run into trouble. I like to get ingredients that aren't a one-time use so I can use them for more dinners. It seems like this book could help me with that.

  11. This books looks so awesome!! Looks like a "must-have"

  12. Most Saturday afternoon's, here on the farm, we host "Dinner and a Movie". It's our way to say thank you to those folks who have helped us these past months while Dave has been struggling with illness.
    It would be lovely to have some new recipes to cook and bake. Even in the midst of terminal illness, perhaps more especially, it's nice to say "I love you" with food.
    Visiting around in blog land and enjoying my visit here.

  13. Heather of Kitchen ConcoctionsApril 18, 2011 at 4:52 AM

    Menu planning is defiantly an area I need to work on! So I would love to see what tips this book has to offer.

    Oh and Chicken Cordon Bleu is a favorite of ours! Can't wait to try this version!

  14. Dear Sisters,
    I hate dinner! And this is why I need this cook book. Dinner is a huge source of stress in my life. I love to cook and I have ingredients but can never think of what to make, there for I procrastinate. Pushing my kids to the brink of chaos. I also have a picky eater who drives me to insert fork into eye! And two little ones with the lung capacity of Steven Tyler and the food control capacity of Cookie Monster! Can't a mom get a good hot meal? Can't a mom take a moment to let the insanity melt away and get lost in a delicious bite of food at the end of the day that can soothe her aching back??? I NEED some motivation here! Please have mercy.
    Kind Regards,
    One Hot Mess

  15. Jonathan and KristinaApril 18, 2011 at 6:09 AM

    I'm a first time mom and my son just recently turned one. I'm having a hard time getting him to eat and I'm constantly needing to try new meals to get him to eat more than just bread and bananas :) Also, me an my husband seem to have opposite taste buds, so most things I like, he doesn't. I have a few recipes we both like, but I'm always on the search for more. This book would help simplify dinner/meal preperation and planning time for me.

  16. I would love this cookbook because I'm always in need of new recipes. But have a built in menu plan and shopping list? Oh yes. I need this book.

  17. The book looks great and would motivate me to keep going with the family dinners!

  18. Love your blog, it is my go to dinner resource but can I be honest?? I hate to cook! I think it is because I have 4 little kids, not a lot of time and the last thing I need is one more mess to clean up! I don't hate it like I used to and the more I cook I can see the potential for enjoying it but to be honest I am not very good at it and could use a lot of help:) This book looks like it could really help me find my way around the kitchen and find joy in the process! I seriously need all the help I can get!

  19. I am not good at this kind of stuff so it will all help me!

  20. The description of this book sounds like just what I've been looking for! It would help me in my quest to make family dinners easier to get on the table with little ones running around. I want so much to create a family dinner tradition and with two little ones this is the perfect time to start!

  21. With five kids I could use all the easy I can get!

  22. I'm expecting baby #5 and I love this site-- we use it as a go-to for meal planning and preparation. I would love to win this book for more good ideas on ways to bring the family together around the table for good healthy meals and wonderful family time.

  23. I think that recipe sounds delicious, and we were just discussing cordon bleu for Easter dinner! How would this work if I only had chicken breast halves?

    This book would help me by showing me how to prepare dinners without slaving all day. I feel like I am in the kitchen from 3pm until way after dinner, and I love the idea of making menus so far in advance so I'm not figuring out dinner last minute!

  24. Looks like a fabulous book...I ALWAYS need new ideas for meal time !!

  25. I would love this book! I love to cook but am a little overwhelmed with dinner after taking care of my newborns twins all day. I would love the dinner ideas and love to actually have a plan.

  26. This cookbook looks and sounds like it would be my top choice out of the three. I love cookbooks, I read them like novels, and I love getting new ideas for dinner. I also love the idea that there are shopping lists included and the layout looks amazing! This would be a great addition to my collection.

  27. This cookbook would be a huge lifesaver for me! I have always been a big believer in family dinners and strive to make it a priority for my family. Unfortunately my husband travels quite a bit and I always seem to suffer in the motivation department when he is gone. He just left yesterday for Australia and will be there for 3 months. I have 3 kids under the age of 6 and between karate, tumbling, dance, is so hard for me to pull dinners off without my hubby home to help. I could really use some new ideas and grocery lists to simplify things a bit and keep family dinners going for my kiddos while the mister is gone. Thanks!

  28. I LOVE family dinners- I love to try new menus and new ideas to bring the family together. This book would be perfect.

  29. This book would be a blessing to me. Dinner time turns into a chaotic time of me scurrying around trying to get everything together for dinner while my little ones are competing for my attention. I try to make my family healthy, well rounded meals and this would be SO helpful in making family meal time a lot easier :)

  30. This book would be wonderful! I'm not a great cook, even though I like to cook. I'm the type who needs a recipe to follow exactly:) Thanks for offering this book!

  31. My father's 80th birthday is coming up, and I'd love some great new recipes and hosting ideas to help make this a wonderful and memorable experience for him and all the friends and family coming to celebrate with him.

    Dad rocks! And so should his party.

  32. I need EASY dinners! What mom doesn't? I'm a new mom, and I'm still learning how to make nice dinners that our family can enjoy together! That book would be PERFECT!

  33. It would be awesome to get my little boys to stay at the table and eat, without getting up 50 times! Love the recipe too, can't wait to try it.

  34. Looks amazing! I am not a cook, but I love your website and when I do cook I look to your site. I can't wait to try this.

  35. Meal time is a favorite at our house and we love all the help we can get to get it right!

  36. My husband and I have been trying to get our act together and make sure that we are providing healthy, nutritious meals at home. I've found it's a learning curve, especially with kids. Sounds like this cookbook would be great to keep us pointed in the right direction! BTW, thanks for all you gals do to keep this site going and for sharing all your great recipes. We have loved them!

  37. It is always great to get some new ideas. I love chicken cordon bleu, so you can be sure I will try this recipe.

  38. Morgan and Karen AllenApril 20, 2011 at 6:10 AM

    we just had our first baby a few weeks ago. needless to say, we haven't been "going out" on very many dates since then. this book would be perfect for me to plan some great stay-at-home dinner dates!

  39. I love making dinner for my family. It has always been a way that I express my love for them. But, with three little ones and another one on the way I am always on the hunt for ways to make it easier for me and more memorable for us all.
    Thank sso much for your blog. I use it often and it alone makes my life easier!!

  40. With a 2 year old and a 5 week old newborn at home, dinner is the one household chore I'm sure to "accomplish" by the end of the day. And my standard menu that worked when we were first married (spaghetti, tacos, etc.) just doesn't cut it anymore! I'm ravenous for new recipes and am always on the lookout for family traditions in the making. :)

  41. sounds awesome thanks for sharing I am always looking for great ways to share meals with my family

  42. Oh, Melanie, I would love this cookbook. I would use it to make the loveliest meals for my family. Of course, with four young children, they would all tell me how much they don't like what I've prepared. I don't get upset though; I have great faith that someday I will have four teenagers who will gratefully devour everything I so lovingly prepare for them.

  43. This book would help me because I don't like making grocery lists.

  44. Chicken cordon blue is my husband's favorite and I have been looking for a good recipe. I will definitely try this! As for the cook book, that would definitely motivate me to cook better meals. I might even invite a group of gals over for a girl's night which I have not done in two years!!!

  45. I, like you, am also a huge believer in family dinner. We love trying new things and would love a new cookbook to get some fresh ideas from! My family would thank you! :)

  46. Definitely meal planning. I need lots of help in that area. So a few tips would be great!

  47. In Krista's KitchenApril 20, 2011 at 12:38 PM

    I have trouble creating a meal that consists of more than the main entree and one easy and plain side dish (mashed potatoes, rice..) I need help constructing menus!

  48. I love having family and friends gathering together and cooking for them. I would love more ideas on what to serve! What a great giveaway!

  49. I would just love to have this cookbook! Since I am the grandma and I am always looking for great recipes and help on menu planning when the whole family gets together.
    These cookbooks look amazing!

  50. This book would help add some spice to our mealtimes--I am finding that I've been using the same recipes way too much lately. I love your blog and use your recipes all the time!

  51. Rachel with Four GirlsApril 22, 2011 at 2:28 AM

    Hey, thanks for the great blog! I have been following you for a couple months now and my girls and I have so much fun trying the recipes. We have found some new Favorites and it has opened up cooking to my girls (Four girls - 10, 8, 4 & 2)! I have found that by getting them involved in cooking they are more likley to try something new. I would love your cookbook, because I have horrible planning when it comes to organizing a menu and shopping list, and it will help to keep my girls excited about cooking! Thanks again!

  52. I just found your site and am going to use several things for our brunch on Easter! What a neat thing for all you sister. I am not a great cook and can use all the help I can get!!

  53. Oh how I would love this book! I love to cook and as a newlywed I am excited about creating a tradition of family meal time. My husband and I both work long hours and this will help get me organized and on my way to healthy, happy and peaceful mealtimes that my family will look forward to coming home to. In addition my husbands family is gathering next year from Europe, South America and the US for a family re-union - this would be perfect to help me with the meal planning!

  54. Ashley's "Random Ruminations"April 22, 2011 at 2:18 PM

    I would love to have this book as a resource for menu planning- and something new for my usual line up.

  55. It would be very helpful in my new attempts at doing weekly/monthly meal planning!!
    jacy468 at aim dot com

  56. I would love help keeping mealtime fresh and exciting. Even though we try to do that already, every little bit helps! :)

  57. As a mom of five, I need all the easy I can get! Plus we just moved into a new neighborhood with many of our friends. All of us have several kids. I would love to start a group that gathers weekly to give us a chance to have some mom time.

  58. Sounds like this would help save me time in the kitchen and also help me try new tastes. I've been stuck in a rut and repeating the same 10-15 recipes we like.
    But at the same time we love variety in our home, so I hope it will help me try new tasty meals!

  59. Planning it out is the HARDEST part! Take that out with this book - and I think I could do some more cooking/entertaining! Which is much-needed since I have three kids in diapers and don't get out much! ;-D

  60. oh what a great looking book. I think this book would help me not be so crazy at dinner time. With 4 kids, a husband that gets home late sometimes and going to classes two nights a week, i need to have recipies that i can turn to and know exactly what i'm fixing. this would be great!!

  61. This book would be super fun to get ideas for having friends and family over. I love to host parties and seem to get into ruts easily.

  62. As a young mother, I would LOVE to have more tools to help me become more organized in the kitchen! This cookbook looks like it has healthful meals and I really need to be better about incorporating "healthy" into our diet! ;)

  63. This book would hopefully get me out of the old Ho-Hum, same-o, same-o, meals. I need a new spark to my cooking. I need this book!

  64. Anything that makes family dinners a breeze is something I need!

  65. This book could help me by giving me new ideas for making dinner for my family. I try to have a homecooked family meal on the table at least 5 times a week, and I am running out of ideas, and getting bored with current ideas. I have only been married 5 years and am already bored, how did my mom do it for 25+ years?

  66. This book would help me learn how to serve and entertain guests better. I would love to be proud to open my home to friends, with lovely food to warm them.

  67. When you make this and you are using Costco chicken breasts do you use three breasts or 6 since they aren't whole chicken breasts?
